地址: 8xx5 Number 2 Road Richmond BC V7C 3M4
状态: 三月一日起租!
-租金: $1,800+Utility
-户型: 后巷屋
-卧室: 1
-浴室: 1
-车位: 1
– 电器: 洗衣机/烘干机/冰箱/烤箱/洗碗机
位于里士满别墅后巷屋开始出租啦! 1室1卫地理位置非常方便, 靠近银行,学校,公园和商店,生活十分便! 靠近McKay 小学, Burnett 小学, Gilmore 小学, Diefenbaker 小学, McMath 中学 和 Kilgour 公园。
Sincere Real Estate Services Ltd. — Professional property management company!
Don’t be a victim, always make sure the person who is renting the property is an Owner or the Owners Agent.
All or any measurements contained in any advertising have been obtained by a third party. All information contained within is subject to change, removal, or error and does not constitute an agreement. All advertised information must be verified by the renting party prior to entering into an agreement.
Contact Sincere Real Estate Services Ltd. to book a showing!
- Ref Number:
Price: $ 1,800
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