地址: 3xx6 19TH AVE W VANCOUVER V6S 1E1
– 状态: 11月1日! 无家具
– 租金: $8,500 +Utility
– 面积:2,370 sq.ft.
– 卧室: 4
– 浴室: 5
– 车位: 2 车库
– 电器: 洗衣机/烘干机/冰箱/烤箱/
3xx6 19TH AVE W拥有宽敞的2,370平方英尺的生活空间, 设有5间卧室和3间浴室,为舒适的生活提供充足的空间。它最值得注意的属性之一是它独特的地理位置。靠近UBC主校区, 距离著名的Lord Byng中学 & Queen Elizabeth 小学以及当地公园的自然美景几分钟路程
– 一年起租
– 需要租客保险
– 无烟
– 无宠
Sincere Real Estate Services Ltd. — Professional property management company!
Don’t be a victim, always make sure the person who is renting the property is an Owner or the Owners Agent.
All or any measurements contained in any advertising have been obtained by a third party. All information contained within is subject to change, removal, or error and does not constitute an agreement. All advertised information must be verified by the renting party prior to entering into an agreement.
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Price: $ 8,500
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